Children with learning disabilities (LD) can present a variety of challenges for parents and educators. Untreated, these children may also face difficult and unique challenges that are pervasive throughout life. Learning disabilities affect all areas of academia, speech and language.
Learning Disabilities can lead to:
Difficulty following directions
Trouble learning new information
Poor memory
Trouble focusing
Difficulty with reading and math
Poor handwriting
Fortunately, although the symptoms may vary, the cause is the same…timing. The domain-general mechanism of timing is a "Jack of all Trades" mechanism that manifests itself in sleep cycles, speech patterns, ability to attend over time and overall efficacy of brain communication. This timing in the brain, or temporal processing, has been shown to be deficient in several common conditions, including everything from mild learning disability to severe autism spectrum disorder.
Interactive Metronome is the only training program that improves timing in the brain in an organized, systematic, flexible and engaging format.
Contact LifeFit BrainFit today at 906-774-5833.
