Senior Strength & Balance Exercise Class By LifeFit BrainFit at The Michigan Dance Academy 1000 West Breitung Avenue, Kingsford. Air conditioned!
Wednesdays – 12:30 – 1:30
June 20 & 27 & July 11 & 18
Pay by Wednesday, June 13, Cost $39
Pay by the class $13 per class
Debbie Flannery, M.Ed. Master’s Degree in Health & Fitness Certified Tai Chi Instructor Certified Interactive Metronome Provider 906-774-5833
Benefits of Senior Exercise
Improve strength, balance and mood with regular physical activity
Regular physical activity can:
Help Improve balance – as many as 28%-45% of elders fall each year due to balance declining as we age.
Improve brain function
Strength training gives muscles energy and less injuries
Improve Endurance
Help improve your ability to do the everyday things you want to do
Help improve feelings of depression and may improve overall mood and well-being
Help overcome the fear of falling – fear brings your attention to a problem – such as a balance disorder, reduced vision or muscle weakness
Exercise is essential for helping maintain strength in your legs, buttocks and core, all of which are important for balance, certain types of exercise, such as Tai Chi, Yoga and Pilates are particularly helpful for balance.

Practice! Well, like anything else in life, practice is essential! If you are practicing in a recliner, you will get better at sitting in your recliner. To gain the most benefits, enjoy different types of exercise, stay safe while you exercise, and be sure to eat a healthy diet, too!